September 28, 2009

September 28 - They just can't be pleased!

So I took my first break from this little undertaking to participate in a Chili Fest (don’t worry, I didn’t win or anything). Good news is I decided to keep doing this, for whatever reason. I’ve decided to turn this update into a roundup of the entries that would have been included over the weekend. Enjoy!

Third Grade Journal – September 26, 1991
Today is Sept 26 Really scarey monsters huh I made them up1 do you think they are cool I do because they very scary2 and I like very scarey3 stuff

1Luckily, the term “made up” here could have any context. Otherwise it would be like I was just copying these same Disney Adventure monsters and taking credit for them.
2You’ll note that I decided to adhere to more traditional spelling conventions at this moment. Don’t worry, it won’t stick…
3Such a rebel. When in doubt, jam in the silent E. Jam it in!

Sixth Grade Journal – September 26, 1994
1 Backscratcher
2 Nail Cleaner4
3 Hair Brush
4 ???5

4Not sure exactly what this means. Like a nail brush that cleans the outside, or the little blade you use to clean under the nail? Seeing as how I spent the majority of my elementary school years ruthlessly biting and chewing my fingernails, I’m surprised I knew that such a thing existed.
5Next to this entry, Mrs Robertson wrote “Topic???” The multiple question marks could easily mean either dismay at my noted refusal to list topics or a sense of confusion since I have no idea what I was listing here. Yes, for the fourth entry, I did just write three question marks. Listing four…things you might find in a bathroom cabinet was a real challenge.

Sixth Grade Journal – September 27, 1994
1 Benton, no one can please him!
2 Ramona, atleast she never acts pleased6!
3 Brad, I don’t know why7!
4 Ashley, she can not be pleased8!
5 Chrissie, you just can’t please her9!

6I don’t really remember interacting with Ramona a lot in those days, but clearly her apparent displeasure was a big deal to me. Side note: I’m assuming that the topic was something like “Who gets on your nerves and why,” which seems like a counterproductive exercise for a sixth grade class journal.
7I’m glad I could come up with a well-conceived reason here.
8Was I really trying to please everyone, or could I just not come with any legitimate explanation? I’m baffled.
9 -

Sixth Grade Journal – September 28, 1994
Today I have A.Y.E. at 3:30pm10.

10Ah, Ashland Youth Education rears its head again. Mrs Robertson seems to have stopped encouraging me to write more about this (and thus wasting her time and energy) by this point. Kudos to the lady.

Thus ends the post-vacation roundup. Hopefully if I have to leave again I will be able to keep up while I’m away. Feel free to e-mail me or leave comments. Also feel free to start flyer campaigns in your local area drawing attention to this blog. It’s just a suggestion.


  1. Guess the topic:

    Sixth Grade Journal – September 26, 1994
    "Choose four grooming items you'd purchase if you had a ten dollar gift certificate to Rite-Aid."

    Clearly, you chose the "???" because you were planning on buying an expensive hair brush.

    Sixth Grade Journal – September 27, 1994
    "Please rate the please-ability of the five people sitting nearest to you. If this proves impossible, indicate instead why it's impossible."

  2. Hmm, all very likely suggestions. Looks like you weren't pleased with the ones I proposed!
