September 16, 2009

September 16 - Two words: Disney Adventures.

Third Grade Journal – September 16, 1991
Today is Sept. 16 A couple of days ago Evan White bought a disney adventures
1 and it had a bunch of weird monster. they are the mothman, champ, Mo Mo, Oscar, Skunk ape, Bigfoot, Dover Demon, Goatman, Jersey Devil, WHOWIE2

1This particular issue of Disney Adventures Magazine may be the most important and influential artifact recorded or mentioned in the pages of these journals. The monsters depicted in this issue would find their way into an abnormally large percentage of the entries from that year. I know you can’t stand the suspense, but I implore you to be patient.
2At this point I felt it was necessary to scan the page that accompanies the journal entry, because this really has to be seen. It is important t
o note that I was surprised and/or shocked enough to include only “WHOWIE” on the second page. Yes, I did reproduce the drawings using only freehand. Skills.

Sixth Grade Journal – September 16, 1994
1)Blitz 2)Offense 3)Defense 4)pass 5)quarterback 6)R.B. 7)T.B. 8)D.B. 9)rush 10)T.D. 11)F.G. 12)Safety3

3Next to this entry, my teacher wrote “Topic?” because, as per usual, I simply responded to the topic instead of copying it down. I don’t want to rag on Mrs Robertson too hard after the fact, but how stupid could you be to not recognize the topic you yourself created based on this entry? I’m still embarrassed for you here, and this was fifteen years ago.

BONUS ENTRY: Eighth Grade Journal – August 29. 1996
“Die You Stupid Fool!” He Yelled.4 I Rolled To The Right As The Sword Hit The Dirt. I Quickly Got Up. “This Time You Will Not Be So Lucky!” Nate Said. He Swung The Sword And It Cut My Arm. I Dropped My Staff. I Picked It Up And Ran.5 Soon I Found An Abandoned Hut. I Went In. “I’ll Find You, Foolish Boy!” Nate Said. As He Walked In I Jumped Down From The Ceiling And Knocked Nate Out. I Dragged His Body Back To Where The Rest Of The Guys Were. After An Hour He Woke Up. “I’ll Kill You Boy!” Nate Said. “If I Wasn’t Guy I Would Have Killed You By Now.” I Said. “Oh Yeah,” He Said.6

4Just in case you haven’t figured it out yet: Annoyance has no paragraphs or any other attempt at distinguishing length and establishing some sense of clarity. This revolutionary prose style was never fully appreciated or recognized for its genius.
5Textbook Guy Spriggs bravery, fictional or otherwise.
6I submit, for you, the greatest three lines of back-and-forth dialogue in the English language. Savor.


  1. I like that you don't list the topic. It's like a game within the journal where I get to guess what topic might have sparked such a response.

    "What are twelve things about football that you like (make sure to include at least five abbreviations)?"

  2. More than the use of the abbreviations, I like the randomness of the things I listed. Pretty wild.

    Regarding the topics, some of them can be difficult to understand. Maybe I'll have to figure out how to construct a poll around here.
