October 28, 2009

October 28 - A hell of a lot of entries

So I snuck in another update without a week going by. This time it had as much to do with me being busy as it did with me being lazy. No, seriously.

Third Grade Journal –
October 28, 1991
Today is Oct. 28, 19911 These are some of my favorite base-ball players2 they are very good ball players Lou Gehrig played for the New York Yankees and Hank Aaron played for the Atlanta Braves.3

1For some reason I included the year in this entry. This might be the only time I did this.
2I’m not entirely convinced that they were actually my favorites. I had never seen any of them actually play, but I had cards of theirs and read about them a lot. Oh, the days when I liked baseball…
3There are also excellent, lifelike drawings of Babe Ruth, Ernie Banks, and Ozzie Smith (as well as another of Lou “Gerihg”). I might share them another time.

Fifth Grade ALP Journal –
October 26, 1993
Today we invested in Duracell, Disney and Wal-Mart4 in the Stock Market Game.
We started Odessey Of the Mind5.

4I guess I was better able to keep business and personal issues separate in those days. Not saying I hate people who shop at Wal-mart or anything, but I probably wouldn’t be buying their stock. If I had the money to buy stock, that is.
5The importance of Odyssey of the Mind, as mentioned before, is difficult to overstate.

Sixth Grade ALP Journal –
October 24, 1994
I had a lot of fun today in the Verity A.L.P.6

6I guess I learned my lesson about not just writing “FUN.” Again, I’m still amazed that I never bothered to write down any of these supposedly fun things.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 20, 1994
Dear Mr. Van Norman,7

7Beside this entry, Mrs Robertson wrote, “Why didn’t you do this entry?” Beneath her comment, I wrote in pen, “Because I didn’t want to.” I covered with pencil, which was not the best plan since the original pen writing is still clearly visible. I was obviously afraid Mrs Robertson would see what I had written, but nothing ever came of it. Lucky! Also, this entry was listed on a later, separate page, which explains (since I know you were curious) why it didn’t appear earlier.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 25, 1994
No, I don’t know why but I just don’t believe in ghosts.8

8Well, as long as you have a good reason, kid, you can believe anything. I’m down with not believing in ghosts.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 26, 1994
Some “spooky words” for Halloween are: (1)Trick or treat9 (2)Witch (3)Skull (4)Dracula (5)Frankenstein (6)Mummy (7)Bat (8)Blood (9)Black Cat (10)Spider10 (11)Snake (12)Scare1112 (15)Reaper13 (13)Monster (14)Dead

I’m not sure how “spooky” that is. Also, I don’t want to be a stickler, but “trick or treat” isn’t a word.
10I love these lists because I’m fascinated with the ways they shift. First I start with things related to Halloween, but eventually it turns into things that scare me or are just generally creepy.
11And then I start to run out of ideas and just list the most generic “spooky word” there is.
12Again, pretty generic. Brilliant, for sure, and accurate, definitely, but generic.
13I have a confession: reapers don’t scare me. The grim reaper, maybe, but just a plain old reaper? Not that scary.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 27, 1994
Today I have a computer class called Advanced Youth Education at 3:30, and a Verity Governor’s Cup at 3:50.14

14At the end of this entry, Mrs Robertson wrote, “I’d like to know more about them. Let’s set a goal to write at least 5 sentences a day.” Honestly, I don’t know what more this broad wanted me to say about Ashland Youth Education. I don’t know why she wanted me to explain things she already knew about just for the sake of me writing five sentences. If I were Mrs Robertson, I’d be more interested in finding out how I planned on going to AYE at 3:30 and still making it to the Governor’s Cup by 3:50.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 28, 1994
If everyone helps each other and studies with each other, our class will conducive15 to learning.
Promotion and contributing.16

15Adding a proper verb to this sentence might also be conducive to learning. Note: Mrs Robertson didn’t ever correct any nonsensical or incorrect sentences. Quite a teacher.
16Next to this entry, Mrs Robertson wrote, “Good!” It’s hard for me to imagine that she was legitimately pleased, what with me failing to write a full five sentences and all.


  1. I'm glad you're still posting. This site is one of my favorite reads.

    I'd advise you to reconsider your stance on the potential spookiness of reapers. Why do you think death decided to be personified as a reaper? Because a sickle or scythe is an intrinsically scary weapon--hands down.

  2. I agree that a scythe is a frightening weapon. But are we going to pretend that your stance on wheat has no influence on your feelings towards those that harvest wheat?

    For me, it's like this:
    Giant machine with huge teeth that harvests fields - scary.
    Spirit in a black robe that harvests souls - scary.
    God-fearing, salt-of-the-earth farmer who happens to have a scythe in his hand - meh.
