March 19, 2010

March 19, 2010 - Attacking Dragons??!?

Eighth Grade Journal – September 5, 1996

“We Want To Call A Truce1, You Guys Have Wooped Us Too Many Times.” Kris Pleaded. We Huddled. “No Way. Say No, You Know They’re Lying.” Nate Said2. “I Don’t Know, They Seem Serious.” Hearne Said. “Let’s Agree With The Truce, If They Break, We’ll Kick Their Butts!” I Said3. “I Say Go With Guy.” Miller Said. We Walked Towards Them. “Okay, We Will Go With The Truce.” I Said. Then A Loud Screech Came From The Sky4. “What The Heck…Dragons!!” Rucinski Screamed. He Tried To Use His Magic, But It Had No Effect. “Dang It!” Kris Yelled5. “Time To Test The Truce, Kelleman.” I Said As I Pulled Out Two Crossbows, One In Each Hand. Chris Grabbed A Dagger. He Quickly Threw The Dagger. It Hit One Of The 9 Dragons In The Neck. It Fell To The Ground. Nate Ran Over And Cut Off Its Head With His Sword. “Cool.” Hearne Said6. Flare Was Fighting About 4 Dragons7. I Took Careful Aim And Shoot Two Arrows. I Hit A Dragon That Was Flying Up Behind Flare. I Reloaded And Took Aim Again. I Suddenly Heard A Flapping To My Right, I Turned And One Of My Crossbows, As It Flew Away, I Fired And Killed The Dragon8. The Crossbow Hit The Ground And Went Off. It Shot Into My Shoulder9. “AAAGHH!!” I Screamed And Fell Down10. I Saw Josh Hearne. “Help!” I Yelled. He Heard Me And Ran At Me. He Held His Sword Over His Head And Flung It Over Me Into A Dragon Flying At Me. He Ran Past Me And Pulled His Sword Out Of The Dragon11. “Are You Okay?” Hearne Asked. “Yeah, I Only Was Shot By A Friggin’ Crossbow!” I Yelled12.

1Dang right they are calling for a truce. As I’m sure you remember, the forces of good (that is, my side) had been thoroughly stomping these evildoers and we were preparing to do so again. I understand that you are excited.

2Always good to be cautious, always nice for all voices to be heard. All of these characters are so individualized and not cliché or archetypal at all! What a creative mind.

3Since I am inexplicably the leader of this group, it’s no surprise that I came up with such a logical, useful solution. Of course, one has to wonder why you would accept a truce with a weaker group instead of just destroying them and going on alone, but it’s better not to think too much about these things.

4That is really, really scary.

5Well-explained, as always. I had no idea that dragons were immune to magic. That’s pretty powerful.

6You have to love moments like this. In the middle of a battle, your friend cuts the head off of a giant, snarling dragon, and the first thought to enter your head is, “Cool.” Notice: there is no exclamation point, so this isn’t about excitement, it’s about observation and description. Well done, guys.

7Could be three, could be five, all we know is that it is “about four.” Hey, this isn’t bad writing, its accurate for the moment: in the middle of a vicious attack, do you really expect a character to drop everything and count dragons in the sky? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

8Okay, so I’ll give you my best reading of this sentence since it seems be missing like six words. It appears that an approaching dragon knocked my crossbow loose, but I was still able to squeeze off one more shot before it flew away. Any other interpretations?

9Pretty brilliant. You know, this is the kind of thing that happens in movies all the time, but you have to wonder how likely it is that a gun or crossbow would fire just because it was dropped to the ground. Also, I love that I apparently wasn’t willing to make myself get hurt by someone else: if I was going to be injured, then it was going to happen with my weapon as a result of a freak accident in which I still killed my foe. Tough to criticize that kind of integrity, am I right?

10I would say that “Aaaggh!” is pretty accurate here. I mean it’s all speculation, but it seems good to me.

11That’s a real friend, folks. Can it be any wonder that we’re still friends after all these years? I still need to repay him for killing that dragon that was going to attack me while I was down from a self-inflicted crossbow wound.


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