March 15, 2010

March 15, 2010 - No more Reggie Miller

Third Grade Journal – March 6, 1993

My favorite kind of pizza is a six cheese pizza1 or a pizza with extra cheese, pepperoni, and sausage2. My favorite places are Pizza Hut3

1These days I’m not sure how I feel about a six-cheese pizza. Can you really name six cheeses that you’d want to have on a pizza, let alone at the same time? I sure can’t.

2Now that sounds delightful. It sounds both failsafe and delicious.

3If this list had continued, I’m sure Mr Gatti’s would have soon followed. Pizza Hut does have the best breadsticks, though.

Third Grade Journal – March 9, 1993

Sunny with a 95% chance of Pizza4. Once upon atime in Maine something weird happened all of the people went poor5. But the next Tony Cavalier6 said it was sunny with a 95% chance of Pizza7. The town jumped with Joy. And For They next 3 days it would be Rainy with a chance of strawberries and ceareal8.

4Until writing this, I had no idea that Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was a children’s book that existed before this journal entry. I’m relatively certain that I never read it, but as much I consider myself a creative person I’m pretty sure I didn’t just invent this type of idea of my own.

5I am amused by the idea that an entire group of people would just “go poor.” Also, of all places in the world where something like this would happen, Maine seems to be the least likely (note: please don’t ask me to explain the criteria system for this). Next to the word “poor,” I drew an arrow connected to the word “Boo” written in the superscript. Boo indeed.

6Tony Cavalier was the main weatherman in Ashland during this day and age. As I recall, he wasn’t known for having the most spotless prediction record, but it probably wasn’t easy to come by meteorologists in Ashland.

7Next to the word “Pizza,” I drew an arrow connected to the word “Ya” written in the superscript. If I meant “Yay,” then I wholeheartedly agree.

8That would be pretty awesome, especially if it was strawberries and cereal. Next to the word “ceareal” (which might not actually be a word), I drew an arrow connected to the word “Ya” in the superscript.

Third Grade Journal – March 10, 1993

1. Get a bowl

2. Get Milk, Ceareal, Spoon and Sugar9.

3. Pour Ceareal into bowl.

4. Put the Sugar on top.

5. Pour milk on10.

6. If you want something on top put it on top11.

7. enjoy!

9You know, not every cereal requires sugar. Then again, my Mom loved to buy Crispix and normal Shredded Wheat, both of which are disastrous without a little sugar. Also: is it really that useful to make kids write about instructions for eating cereal in their journals?

10I know it might sound radical, but I am not sure I believe in pouring on milk after sugar. If you put the sugar on first then all of it just gets washed to the bottom of the bowl, meaning that you have to scrape the sugar up the entire time. Milk first, sugar second. That’s the real way to do it.

11That goes without saying, I guess. Although I should point out that I didn’t mention these toppings in the instructions until now. There might be a slight deduction for this omission. I’m just saying.

Third Grade Journal – March 11, 1993

Today’s team of the day is the Indiana Pacers. Chuck Person12 and Reggie Miller play for the Pacers. Chuck Person is fast. He can dribble very well13. Reggie Miller has a incredible scoring ability14.

12Notice that Chuck Person got mentioned before Reggie. Damn straight.

13He can do everything better than Reggie Miller except catch the ball and throw up prayers! Okay, let’s keep it calm and professional.

14Yes, we’ve been over this…

Third Grade Journal – March 12, 1993

I would like to trade places with a beaver15. Cause if they made the wall out of wood I would chew through shake hands with all the people then leave16.

15Of all the things that have changed about me since I wrote these journals, this might be the thing that is most different. Nothing against beavers, but who would want to switch to being a beaver? That seems like a terrible idea.

16Wait, what? If the beavers made a wall out of wood I would chew through it and shake hands with people? What people? The people who are the beavers who made the wall? The people on the other side of the wall made by the beavers? I guess to have to worry about all of these complications when you are a beaver.

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