January 21, 2010

January 21 - Sixth Grade Bonanza (part five)

The continuing saga of updating from someone else’s computer continues. I learned earlier this week that apparently my computer is magical in that it is capable of maintaining the formatting I use in MS Word when I paste it into the blog. Other computers? Not so much. So when you read this, know that I had to put in all of the underlining, italics, and superscript by hand. The things I do for all two of you…

Sixth Grade Journal – January 13, 1994
I don’t understand why baseball players
are on strike2, why I don’t have a girlfriend, and why I need braces.3

1In an example of my honesty in bringing these tales to you, I thought I’d point out that I mislabeled the year for this entry. See, I am fallible!
2Because they are greedy, moronic SOB’s, that’s why. This really affected me as a kid.
3Not sure which of these two things is the reason for the “TOP SECRET” label. I mean obviously I have a guess, but inevitably the braces were far more damning. Also, maybe I was getting a little out of control with the “Stay Out” labels.

Sixth Grade Journal – January 14, 1995

A button, because a button can hold something together4, or if you push a button a reaction can happen5

4This entire entry is written in mock-italics except for the phrase “can hold something together.” Like many things in these journals, this is a complete mystery.
5Sure, all these things are true, but what kind of topic could make you write an entry about how much you like buttons? Confusing.

Sixth Grade Journal – January 18, 1995

Name of a play, a performance, a maraige6, or a hologram are something I would like to see on a PROSCENIUM.7 leather, a mirror, or lanvendar8, it would also be nice to see a chandlier.9

6If you think about it, this is probably the way it should be spelled. Maybe with two r’s, but let’s be honest, the i before a isn’t really helping anybody.
7I clearly demonstrated some understanding of this word, but I had to look it up just fifteen years later. Powerful, effective work, Mrs Robertson.
8Assuming this word is supposed to be “lavender,” I am having serious trouble discerning the meaning of the word proscenium from this entry.
9Okay okay, I caved. A proscenium is the area of a modern theatre that is located between the curtain and the orchestra. There.

Sixth Grade Journal – January 19, 1995

Today I have Hager basketball team practice at 6:00 p.m. in the Hager Elementary School10 I also have an open notes quiz in Science class today. We also have gym (P.E.) and computers in school.11

10This is particularly thorough. I didn’t just have practice, I have Hager basketball team practice, at a specific time, and in a specific place. Accuracy is important.
11An open notes quiz, gym, and computers? How did I contain myself?

Sixth Grade Journal – January 20, 1995

Brothers and sister12 fight a lot because they usually a really bad disagreement13, or the main reason is that they don’t like each other or one made the other extremely mad.14

12Notice the singular “sister” here. Oh, I had two sisters alright. But I only fought with one. She might think this was funny if she ever bothered to read any of this. THANKS FOR NOTHING.
13Such a bad disagreement that I couldn’t concentrate enough to put a verb in the sentence. Furthermore, I usually a peanut butter and banana sandwich.
14Again, notice the lack of reciprocity in that closing statement. It’s not because they made each other mad, it’s because one of them specifically made the other mad. I wonder who made who mad?

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