December 21, 2009

December 21 - A Christmas Miracle, part one

Ah, the end of the semester. The good news is that now I have the time to actually update this blog. The bad news is that since it revolves around journal entries from school, there aren’t any entries since I was on break during this time of year. I’m going to make a somewhat concerted effort to post some new stuff over Christmas, however, if only so I can get into a sort of schedule instead of letting this poor thing go dormant for a month. So, today I offer you the remaining third grade journal entries for the year of 1991. The good news for you: the new year brings with it my “player of the day” entries, which I love dearly (and hope you will too).

Third Grade Journal –
November 26, 1991
Today is Nov. 26, 1991 Plans for Sleepover1
First we will spy for 25 minutes2.
2. We will play Nintendo for 30 minutes3.
3. Then we will find some new weaponry.4
4. We will go to sleep.
5. Wake in morning5 up everybody and spy for an hour.

1 – I loved making little schedules like this. Thankfully, some habits don’t last forever.
2 – I was really big on spying. I had a Talkboy (yes, I was suckered in by Home Alone 2) and would attach it to a remote control truck and sneak it into rooms so I could record conversations. I think I missed my true calling.
3 – I don’t really love the format change here (going for saying “First” to this kind of bulleted format), but I strongly dislike the priorities here. I mean I know spying is cool, but only thirty minutes of Nintendo the entire freaking night? I was just beginning for this to be a lame sleepover.
4 – Oh, how I loved finding weaponry. Wait, what?
5 – The phrase “in morning” is written is microscopic font and added in with an arrow after the fact. Clearly I didn’t want there to be any confusion.
6 – After that, who knows?

Third Grade Journal –
December 2, 1991
Today is Dec. 2 The Perfect Christmas Tree would 2 feet thick.
But It will be 1,000,000,000,000 yards7 tall. I would put it outside8. I would make it silver, gold, green, Red. I would put nine stars on the top. I would put silver, gold, green, red balls and stars and trains9 and pictures of people and dolls. Pictures of Santa Claus and the Elves10. Pictures of my teachers I’ve had. A picture Jesus away in a manger11. Jesus all grown up in heaven.

7 – I’m less puzzled by the trillion, and more puzzled by the use of yards. I mean, yards? Come on.
8 – Now there’s logical thinking.
9 – I had a great collection of train ornaments when I was a kid. My Mom would buy me a new one every year, and I would open it when we decorated the tree. They were pretty freaking sweet.
10 – Nothing quite like closing with a stream of sentence fragments.
11 – He is the reason for the season. Side note (just in case Bill O’Reilly has the time to read this): there is no war on Christmas. Don’t be an idiot.

Third Grade Journal –
December 6, 1991
Dec. 6, 1991

Dear Mrs. Natole12,
Some people think I am smart13.
I go to Mrs. Mannah’s14 room for language arts.
Sean is in my language arts. I am eight. I am15

12 – I don’t remember who Mrs Natole was, but for some reason I wrote this entry in cursive (which I had stopped doing at this point in the school year) except for her name and Mrs Mannah’s name. Curious…
13 – Those poor, misguided souls.
14 – Yes, I wrote Mrs Mannah’s name in normal script, but more importantly, I don’t remember going to her room for language arts at all. I thought the only teacher I had that year was Mrs Wheeler. This kind of memory loss is sad.
15 – Since I had already been reduced to telling this Mrs Natole character how old I was, I can’t imagine the next bit of information was going to be particularly thrilling or interesting.

Third Grade Journal –
December 9, 1991
On Saturday I went to a Marshall16 game they are green and white. football
I made those flags for the football team17. The first one stands for Herd. the sencond one stand for Marshall. Their18

16 – Going to Marshall Football games was an integral part of my time in Ashland. I was a really lucky kid when it came to watching the sports teams I liked as a kid: I got to watch Marshall Football games from the sidelines, and I went on two separate trips with the UK Basketball team while I was in elementary school. Young Guy Spriggs, chilling with Randy Moss and Jamal Mashburn. That was the good life.
17 – As you can see, my artistic skills were at very a high level.
18 – I attribute this inability to finish a journal entry on a desire for the fall to hurry up and end. If that was the case, then the third grade version of myself was even awesomer than I remember.

Third Grade Journal –
December 16, 1991
Today is Dec 16 Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care. In hope that St. Nicholas soon would be there…………19 hi. Do want me to tell you what really happened at Christmas20. One Christmas Eve. When all of the kids were snug in their beds. but they never stood Santa at the top of house21

19 – That is one long ellipsis.
20 – Of course I do! The suspense is killing me.
21 – That’s a bit of a letdown. Your guess is as good as mine

November 23, 2009

November 23 - Mrs Maxwell and misnomers

There’s been a lot of stuff going on lately, so I actually have some semi-legitimate reasons (that is, excuses) why I haven’t been able to update much lately. Hopefully this will make up for it. I make no promises for the Thanksgiving break, but I’m going to try my darndest to get something up tomorrow night and maybe even something during the break itself. Here goes.

Third Grade Journal –
November 20, 1991

Today is Nov 20 The Soccer Game1 on Sunday the Rebels played the Wild ones. WOLF, SQUIRREL2, Turtle, Car, Dog and Duck Play for the WILD ONES. GOOSE, BEAR, COYOTE, TIGER, LION3 and Cheetah Play for the Rebels.
The game started. The Wildones4 won the coin toss.
The Rebels kicked off but did not kick it downfield BEAR KICKED It infront of tiger. Tiger kicked it to Lion. Lion kicked it to Goose. Goose kicked it to COYOTE.5 COYOTE KICKED IT to Cheetah and Cheetah scored! The score was 1-0. The Wildones kicked of WOLF kicked It to the 5 yard line6 were SQUIRREL SCORED7. 1-1.
The Game is OVER8

1As you will soon see, my younger self has taken some liberties with the idea of a “soccer” game.
2I can only assume that the players with their names in all-capital letters are the stars. Hell, I don’t really know.
3I find your lack of serial comma use disturbing.
4Perhaps a unique nickname for the “Wild Ones.” I mean why keep words separate when you can just jam them together? That’s what I thought.
5This is some serious, engaging play-by-play action. And people wonder why “soccer” can’t make it in America.
6Yeah, not so sure that third grade Guy knows exactly what’s going on here. I mean sure, there is a five-yard line on a soccer field, but…oh never mind.
7That’s what we call a quick answer. The Wildones have a very serious offensive attack.
8First, I love that I recorded what has to be the shortest soccer match in history. Second, the word “OVER” here takes up an entire page on its own. Third, this entry doesn’t even mention the Thanksgiving spread I drew on the opposing page, complete with “Bear shaped Cranberry sauce.” That year I drew pictures of Thanksgiving foods and handed them out in the days before Thanksgiving so our class could have Thanksgiving together. This is the part where you go “awwwwww…”

Sixth Grade Journal –
November 14, 1994

9There is an ALP entry for this date, and it reads: “I really like the A.L.P. class today.” Riveting.

Sixth Grade Journal –
November 15, 1994
Dear Mrs Maxwell,10
Thank you for teaching me everything I know, I owe you a lot, including how to add, subtract, write, spell,11 and teaching me how to be a good, disciplined, smart student all in 1st grade,12 thank you very much!
Guy Spriggs

10Mrs Maxwell was my first grade teacher, and she was my absolute favorite (only matched by Mrs Walker in fourth grade). She left the year after I finished her class, and I was incredibly sad.
11That’s a lot of valuable stuff. She also taught the serial comma, I see. Very nice.
12What I didn’t learn was how to stop comma splices and run-on sentences. Nobody’s perfect, I suppose.
13Yeah, that’s right. I was sweet on her. On a more serious note, imagine how you would feel if you were a teacher and one of your students wrote this flowery letter about how much he loves a previous teacher. Pretty awesome. Take that, Mrs Robertson.

Sixth Grade Journal -
November 16, 1994
“Koala bear” is a misnomer because it isn’t a bear, it’s a marsupial.14

14True. Not particularly interesting, but true. I wonder if the “name a misnomer” journal entry was a plot specifically designed to make us spend more time thinking about the stupid Australian crap in Mrs Berrong’s class.

Sixth Grade Journal –
November 18, 1994
All the teachers at Hager.15

15Next to this entry, Mrs Robertson wrote, “What was this topic?” I love that she did this regularly without just checking what other people wrote in their journals. I’m not bending to your rules, Mrs Robertson, you’ll just have to figure out the damn entry by yourself! Clearly the topic was “People who Mrs Robertson makes me hate.”

In case I don't update again: please have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Thanks for reading.

November 13, 2009

November 13 - Auto-correct and Australia

So I’ve finished another week of grad school, so I figured I’d celebrate by updating this incomparable blog with more tales of my youthful silliness. As always, I hope you enjoy, and I’m sure you’ll tell all your friends.

Third Grade Journal –
November 10, 1991

Today is Nov. 10th1

1The entry for this day is entirely composed of these three hearts. I guess love was in the air.

Third Grade Journal –
November 12, 1991
Today is Nov.12 My day w2 has been a very good day. first I passed football with Evan who him and Sean are getted giting3 atougraphs for from4 people in my class

2This entry is filled with typos, most of which I even tried to correct. I guess I was originally going to write “My day was good,” but instead switched it to “has been” to make it clear that I wasn’t ready for the goodness to be over.
3You’re 0 for 2 thus far, sport, give it another try.
4Getting autographs for the people in class would probably have been more amusing. I mean I know I’m going to be famous, and that third grade autograph will prove to be incredibly valuable, but other than that…

Sixth Grade ALP Journal –
November 7, 1994
I am starting to like A.L.P. class better.5

5And I’m starting to like these ALP entries less. Not only are they erratic, but I find very few of them interesting. Since I’m the guy who wrote them, I can’t imagine how silly and useless they must be for you.

Sixth Grade Journal – November ??, 1994

1 station 2 padlock 3 swagman6 4 jumbuck7 5 billabong8 6 emu 7 koala 8 kangaroo 9 dingo 10 kookaburra 11 Ayers Rock9 12 echidna 13 aborigines 14 wallaby 15 mumbat10 16 wombat 17 platypus 18 pavlova11 19 bandicoot 20 aussie 21

6A swagman, also called a tussocker, is an Australian term for a poor transient worker who carried his waterproof bedroll (known as a swag) on his back. I’m sure you can see the image in your head.
7Australian term for a sheep. I know that these footnotes now seem like actual footnotes, but I went to Wikipedia myself so you wouldn’t have to (and so I can pretend that you would have been interested enough to do so).
8Australian term for an oxbow lake. I tried reading the Wikipedia entry about oxbow lakes and it didn’t make much sense to me. Further research is on you.
9Ayers Rock is a legitimately awesome site in the middle of Australia. I’m sure you can tell by now that my teacher who was obsessed with Australia conned Mrs Robertson into getting us to make a journal entry listing random Australian words.
10No idea what this is. I assumed that it was some animal, but since there isn’t an entry for it on Wikipedia, I can only assume that it is fake and couldn’t possibly exist.
11Like the dessert? That’s about as Australia-specific as “padlock.”

Sixth Grade Journal – Nomber 11, 1994

It means war, and all of the many, many people who died for the U.S.A.12

12I can only assume that this is a reference to Veterans’ Day (I didn’t write down the topic!) or some continuation of the previous entry about flags.

November 6, 2009

November 6 - The epic return of Annoyance

Yeah, back-to-back updates. Weird! I’ve decided to focus on bringing Annoyance back into the fold today, so I hope that you enjoy reading more about spells and dragons and daggers (God, how I loved to talk about daggers instead of just plain old knives). Savor.

Third Grade Journal –
November 6, 1991
Today is Nov 6. Lou Gerihg1 died of the Lou Gerihg2 disease two of his friends Jimmy Fox and Babe Ruth they were very good base-ball players3 THE4 END!

1As you might gather, I was interested in Lou Gehrig at this point in my life. I had a huge collection of baseball cards, and loved to draw pictures from the cards and transcribe statistics and biographical information in my journal. I say that as if you haven’t already figured this out.
2I love the multiple variations I use to butcher poor Lou Gehrig’s name. At least this time I was consistent.
3Just in case you wanted to know.
4Here “THE” is written in about size sixty font. It’s not just an end, it’s THE end. Don’t get it twisted.

Eighth Grade Journal – September 4, 1996
“We’ll Get You For That!” Brad Screamed.5 “Whatever You Wuss.” Nate Said. We Flew Back To The House Only To Find That They Were Waiting For Us. “How Did You……” Miller Said. “I Have A Teleporter!” Rucinski Said. “Not For Long.” Hearne Said As He Threw A Dagger At It. The Knife Hit Right On Target6 And The Teleporter Shorted Out. Kris Tried To Get Them Out. “Noo7! You Busted The Teleporter!” Kris Yelled. Then They Slowly Started To Morph.8 Kelleman Turned Into A Short Little Freak With Two Daggers. Brad Stayed As Himself.9 Jenni Turned Into What Seemed To Be A Homeless Lady.10 Rucinski Turned Into An Old Man, With A Staff. Then Kris Shot A Bolt Out Of His Staff And Fixed The Teleporter.11 They Were Soon Gone. “What Was Weird!” Luan Said.12

5I’m sure you’ve gone back and read all Annoyance installments in preparation for this update. In case you haven’t, little has changed: some of my friends and I are locked in a struggle with a group of my friends who I somewhat arbitrarily made into an enemy group in a fantasy book-type setting. Recently, our dragon Blaze “slaughtered some guys” and then blew up the hut our enemies were staying. Oh, and one of my friends can turn into a mace. If you haven’t been keeping up, I apologize for hurting your brain.
6I always knew my friends had secret dagger throwing abilities. I just knew it.
7I can’t really think of a reason why you’d use “Noo!” instead of “No!” or “Nooooooooo!” I guess I wanted emphasis but not melodrama. The craft of fiction on display, folks.
8Morphing is a common theme in this story. I had so many interests (which you’ll eventually see) that any time I wanted to change the story, everyone would inexplicably morph into new people and be in a completely new setting with a completely new story. Hey, Alfred Hitchcock didn’t use much explication either. Eighth grade Guy was a master of his craft.
9I’m not sure whether this was a dig on Brad or my attempt to somehow spare him from being transformed into an unflattering character. Actually, I am sure. It was definitely the first option. Sorry Brad.
10Yeah, I didn’t think a lot of Jenni at this point. I’m still wondering how many of the actual “free write” entries I should use from this journal since almost all of them just rip on Jenni the entire time. We shall see.
11I was unaware that there were ancient spells tailored to fix intricate, technological devices from the future. You learn something every day, I guess.
Say what you will, I always manage to close with something profound. Thank you, Luan.

November 5, 2009

November 5 - The River, pickle juice, The River

So today my goal is to catch up on the entries from elementary and then bring the epic tales of Annoyance back tomorrow (ideally). I know you’re just dying to know what is happening with Ishbu and the gang, but be patient.

Third Grade Journal –
November 4, 1991
Today is Nov 4 This picture is of Lou Gehrig1. He hit 492 Homers and 1990 R.B.I. His highest average was 5002 and when he died he was 38 years old3 and he had 1508 beanballs4 and he played First base his Nickname was LOU “The iron horse” and he was born June 19, 1903 in New York and He died June 2. 1941 in Riverdale New York in 1942.5

1I feel that I don’t need to show you yet another of my drawings of Lou Gehrig. Maybe I’ll do a gallery-type posting at some point to show off my work.
2This sounds silly, but Lou did actually average .500 in 1924. He only had twelve at-bats, though, so that might diminish the feat just a little.
3A little morbid, don’t you think, third grade Guy? I mean come on, dude.
4As long as we’re listing useful statistics…
5This might be the greatest closing in the history of journals. Just to let you know, he didn’t die in 1941 in 1942, he just plain died in 1941. Don’t let this affect his legend.

Fourth Grade ALP Journal –
October 29, 1992
Today we started porta-centers.6

6I have no idea what the hell this is. No joke, no punchline. It’s a mystery to me. Let’s move on.

Sixth Grade ALP Journal –
October 31, 1994
Today I really like all the fun games7

7And the trend of verbose entries about how fun things are continues. At least in the other instances I could be bothered to use a legitimate verb tense.

Sixth Grade Journal –
November 1, 1994
My favorite author is Gary Paulsen because he writes excellent books with the way he uses words8. Some of his books are The Winter Room and Dancing Carl. My favorite book is The River. It is about a man who spends 2 months in the wilderness. 1 year later the government wants him to do it again, but this time with a partner, Bryan.9 But tragedy strikes in the middle of the expodition, Bryan gets struck by lightning, slips into a coma, and the radio for help is broken, so they go up a 100 mile river to a Post Office to get help.10 The River.11

8That is a good skill to have with the way you use words. Hard to think of a better. One.
9I do distinctly remember loving Gary Paulsen books when I was younger. After consulting the Wikipedia page for this book, however, it seems that I’ve mixed things up and Brian (instead of Bryan) is the main character who is the survival expert and the partner is Derek. Either that or someone has edited the Wikipedia entry to play an elaborate trick that was fifteen years in the making.
10That is some high drama, Gary Paulsen. Just the kind of stuff a growing boy needs.
11I love that I end this entry with The River (and yes, I did underline it) as if my little book report has taken the form of a spelling bee response. “I really like Hitchcock’s Rear Window and recommend it to fans of cinema. It has compelling characters, a nice story arc, and plenty of tension. Rear Window. I feel like that should be a standard practice.

Sixth Grade Journal –
November 2, 1994
I might douse (dunk in liquid) fire, food, clothes, or people! Cars bikes, pickles in pickle juice, dishes, plants or squirt12 are other things I might douse. I would douse every item, except pickles, in water.13

12I’m going to assume that I meant squirt gun, but in the end your guess is as good as mine.
13This might be my favorite journal entry (that isn’t player/team of the day, of course). It’s such a silly topic (I mean really, who would ask their class to write about what things they would douse?), but the exclamation point after “people” and the “pickles in pickle juice” (which was worth noting twice) really set this off for me. Also, at the end of this entry, Mrs Robertson wrote “Great ideas!” I know they are great ideas, lady. I came up with them.

Sixth Grade Journal –
November 3, 1994
Today I have practice for the 6th grade Hager basketball team from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Hager Elementary School gymnasium.14

14Take that, Mrs Robertson. I’ll give you all the basic, useless information you can handle. At the end of this entry, Mrs Robertson wrote “Do you enjoy playing basketball?” That wasn’t the question, clearly!

Sixth Grade Journal –
November 4, 1994
The U.S. Flag is a symbol of freedom, the only free country15, a symbol of hard fought wars to put us where we are now16, 13 colonies, 50 states, the United States of America.17

15We might need to rethink this position.
16Amen to that, younger self.
17That’s poetic. Beautiful. The River.

October 31, 2009

October 31 - Robot and upper margin exposition

So sometimes the top margin of my class notes is filled with things other than the delightful Robot (to whom I introduced you before). I have decided to share my notes from a class that happened this Thursday (October 29, as you can see by the date on the page). The course is titled “Introduction to Theory: Critical, Literary, and Cultural,” and it involves reading all of the stuff you might expect (or, if you’re lucky, are not really familiar with at all). This kind of stuff is not really my bag. Anyhow, I’m going to explain all of the little notes I’ve made (to accompany Robot, of course) since these comments are relatively fresh in my mind and can be elaborated upon without much trouble. Oh man, it’s almost like this has relevance to whole “Ship of Theseus” idea! But whoa, let’s not get crazy. Instead let’s just pretend nothing important is going on here and just (hopefully) enjoy the rambling of my in-class mind. (Note: I noticed after uploading this that the image is too small to see on the blog, so unfortunately you'll have to click on it to see all its glory.)

Stop the cover sheets.

In this class we are supposed to turn in ten reading response papers over the course of the semester, so there are short essays being turned in (and handed back) every single meeting. This one guy in the class named Daniel (who the professor calls “Dan-yell,” the way you would normally pronounce a girl’s name like Danielle), always turns in essays with a full-blown cover sheet and bibliography. To me this seems a little extreme for a three page paper. Any time you are inflating the length of your paper by 66%, I think it’s okay to leave out the bibliography since you only consulted one source and just use a heading instead of a cover sheet. But hey, that's just me.

Yes, this is the way my brain works. Welcome to it.

Not by Dr. Pucci?

Dr Pucci is the professor of this course. Although technically a part of the thrown-together Social Theory Department at UK, the course is actually listed in the French Department, which means that it is filled with almost entirely French graduate students. But I digress. Anyhow, when talking about bell hooks on Thursday, a girl in class commented about how we are taught by scholars to accept only “elitist, jargonistic, obtuse” theory, but quickly added, “but not by Dr. Pucci.” Since the woman spent weeks cramming Lacan, Derrida, and Foucault down our throats, I found this comment a bit false and annoying.


Eventually the discussion on Thursday began to wander, something that can be irritating when you come to class, you know, prepared to talk about the text at hand. Anyhow, in the midst of the impromptu discussion about stripping and prostitution, all of the girls in class used the term “procreate” in lieu of any other term that might be used to indicate sexual intercourse. Obviously, I found this is a bit strange and/or troubling.

Oh God: IIII I. Wandering: IIII IIII. Stop: IIII IIII I,

The “Stop” counter is a trademark of mine that I use to keep track of the number of times people in class begin to ramble and talk about useless, silly nonsense (hence, I want them to “stop”). Because the class Thursday was so intensely ridiculous (and to me, detrimental), I decided to add two new counters: “Oh God,” which I used for moments when people insisted on making comments that blew my mind (like steering the discussion into whether or not prostitutes are feminists) and “Wandering,” which I used any time one of my classmates would take the floor and use the opportunity to steer discussion away from anything that could be called practical or instructive. Maybe this created a sort of downward spiral that encouraged inaccuracy, but in the years I’ve done this, I never had a “Stop” counter higher than four. This was a landmark class meeting. (Note: the strikethrough is used in this case to indicate the grouping of five since I couldn't find a more appropriate way to depict it in Word.)

“They are waiting for the male gaze.” Holy. Shit.

As a side note, I sit next to a kind older gentleman in this class named Garland, and I feel weird making comments like this sometimes because I don’t think it’s becoming to write such nastiness (albeit in my small handwriting) when he might see it. Anyhow, when talking whether or not prostitutes and strippers are “empowered,” one girl in the class tried to connect the argument to a previous article we read that suggested that woman obtain agency as objects by being looked at by men (I apologize for trying to synthesize and summarize these arguments). She suggested that that the women in question were not outside of the patriarchal system because they were still “waiting for the male gaze.” Wrap your mind around that for a second. No, seriously, think about it.

A break? Seriously?

If you haven’t figured it out yet, this little note-taking is my passive (and not so aggressive) way of responding to things I take issue with during class. In this case, my professor asked us if we would like to take a break for five or so minutes, which is customary (at least at UK) in the middle of 150-minute seminars. In this case, however, there were only thirty minutes left in the entire class period when she asked us if we were interested in breaking. I kept waiting for her to stop the class in the middle (when we would normally take a break) but instead she plowed through until class was almost over and then asked if we wanted to stop. I don’t want to be a pedant or a jerk, but why the hell would we want to break when we’re that close to being done already?

Continue for a while?

If a break is not taken, 150-minute classes are supposed to be let out early. A lot of professors ignore or break this rule (treating more as a suggestion), but Pucci hadn’t done so yet this semester. But with about five minutes left in the scheduled class period, when people were beginning to pack up their things and preparing to leave, the professor suggested that we "continue for a while. " Clearly this was not a suggestion I enjoyed.

Twilight? Really. REALLY.

I don’t know if you can tell that the second “really” is in all-caps, but I assure you that it is. The difference is subtle. Anyhow, this was the first note I made during the class (which is why it is in Robot’s speech bubble). As much as I take issue with this course and dislike the general approach of some of the grad students from the French Department, it cannot be disputed that the course is absolutely loaded with very cute girls. Before class began, however, two of them were discussing the next Twilight movie, which apparently involves a werewolf and a vampire fighting for a girl’s affection. This is the kind of stuff that haunts my nightmares, and there might be no better way to make me lose interest in someone (male or female). God, it makes me sick just thinking about it.


As class started, the professor handed out a list of “presentation guidelines” and told us that we would all be giving presentations on one of the texts in class. Although talking about things outside of my specialty is not really my strength, I can appreciate this as a good idea. What I cannot appreciate, however, is telling us about this project with a month left in the semester (a month during which we are supposed to write a response paper a week and produce a twenty-page essay) instead of planning it from the beginning of the term. Trying to set this up so late in the semester is pure bullshit, especially when you force people to pick texts (and dates for presenting) right on the spot without prior notice. I don’t care if you disagree with everything else I’ve written so far as long as you agree with this.

So sad.

This was one of those classes where people felt encouraged to contextualize their comments by noting how they were engaged or had a boyfriend/girlfriend. It always makes me feel weird to know that there are so many people around me who are already married. I guess you could say this is my reaction to it. Moving on…


Near the end of class, Dr Pucci noted with a smile that “our discussion had really gone far” today. Given my other comments, particularly the “Oh God/Wandering/Stop” counters, one could assume that I didn’t really share her positive view of the undefined, rambling breadth of our conversation. I’m not trying to limit discussion, but I would like there to be some sort of linear, rational path to follow instead of ridiculous tangential commentary.

Don’t lie, you think men are the enemy.

I love to make note of things people say in classes. In the past I spent a lot of class time recording stupid/silly comments, and while there are certainly still idiotic claims made in graduate school (although to a lesser degree, I feel), I do like to latch on to these sort of unprompted, unnecessary explanations. As is my usual tact, I also like to reverse the comment (since I don’t really feel that the comment needed to be said in the first place). One of the girls in class was explaining that she considered herself to be a feminist, but felt it necessary to say that that “didn’t mean she thought men were the enemy.” Oh yeah? Well I think you do think men are the enemy. Take that!

October 28, 2009

October 28 - A hell of a lot of entries

So I snuck in another update without a week going by. This time it had as much to do with me being busy as it did with me being lazy. No, seriously.

Third Grade Journal –
October 28, 1991
Today is Oct. 28, 19911 These are some of my favorite base-ball players2 they are very good ball players Lou Gehrig played for the New York Yankees and Hank Aaron played for the Atlanta Braves.3

1For some reason I included the year in this entry. This might be the only time I did this.
2I’m not entirely convinced that they were actually my favorites. I had never seen any of them actually play, but I had cards of theirs and read about them a lot. Oh, the days when I liked baseball…
3There are also excellent, lifelike drawings of Babe Ruth, Ernie Banks, and Ozzie Smith (as well as another of Lou “Gerihg”). I might share them another time.

Fifth Grade ALP Journal –
October 26, 1993
Today we invested in Duracell, Disney and Wal-Mart4 in the Stock Market Game.
We started Odessey Of the Mind5.

4I guess I was better able to keep business and personal issues separate in those days. Not saying I hate people who shop at Wal-mart or anything, but I probably wouldn’t be buying their stock. If I had the money to buy stock, that is.
5The importance of Odyssey of the Mind, as mentioned before, is difficult to overstate.

Sixth Grade ALP Journal –
October 24, 1994
I had a lot of fun today in the Verity A.L.P.6

6I guess I learned my lesson about not just writing “FUN.” Again, I’m still amazed that I never bothered to write down any of these supposedly fun things.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 20, 1994
Dear Mr. Van Norman,7

7Beside this entry, Mrs Robertson wrote, “Why didn’t you do this entry?” Beneath her comment, I wrote in pen, “Because I didn’t want to.” I covered with pencil, which was not the best plan since the original pen writing is still clearly visible. I was obviously afraid Mrs Robertson would see what I had written, but nothing ever came of it. Lucky! Also, this entry was listed on a later, separate page, which explains (since I know you were curious) why it didn’t appear earlier.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 25, 1994
No, I don’t know why but I just don’t believe in ghosts.8

8Well, as long as you have a good reason, kid, you can believe anything. I’m down with not believing in ghosts.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 26, 1994
Some “spooky words” for Halloween are: (1)Trick or treat9 (2)Witch (3)Skull (4)Dracula (5)Frankenstein (6)Mummy (7)Bat (8)Blood (9)Black Cat (10)Spider10 (11)Snake (12)Scare1112 (15)Reaper13 (13)Monster (14)Dead

I’m not sure how “spooky” that is. Also, I don’t want to be a stickler, but “trick or treat” isn’t a word.
10I love these lists because I’m fascinated with the ways they shift. First I start with things related to Halloween, but eventually it turns into things that scare me or are just generally creepy.
11And then I start to run out of ideas and just list the most generic “spooky word” there is.
12Again, pretty generic. Brilliant, for sure, and accurate, definitely, but generic.
13I have a confession: reapers don’t scare me. The grim reaper, maybe, but just a plain old reaper? Not that scary.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 27, 1994
Today I have a computer class called Advanced Youth Education at 3:30, and a Verity Governor’s Cup at 3:50.14

14At the end of this entry, Mrs Robertson wrote, “I’d like to know more about them. Let’s set a goal to write at least 5 sentences a day.” Honestly, I don’t know what more this broad wanted me to say about Ashland Youth Education. I don’t know why she wanted me to explain things she already knew about just for the sake of me writing five sentences. If I were Mrs Robertson, I’d be more interested in finding out how I planned on going to AYE at 3:30 and still making it to the Governor’s Cup by 3:50.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 28, 1994
If everyone helps each other and studies with each other, our class will conducive15 to learning.
Promotion and contributing.16

15Adding a proper verb to this sentence might also be conducive to learning. Note: Mrs Robertson didn’t ever correct any nonsensical or incorrect sentences. Quite a teacher.
16Next to this entry, Mrs Robertson wrote, “Good!” It’s hard for me to imagine that she was legitimately pleased, what with me failing to write a full five sentences and all.

October 23, 2009

October 23 - Halloween words and my twenty-year plan

So today we have a massive update, hopefully enough to make up for the fact that I haven’t posted anything new in over a week. In my defense, I did just finish midterms, which included taking the first test (I know, right? Who the hell has to take tests these days?) in years. I also struggled mightily to finish an essay for yesterday, and now every time I try to type the word “years” I accidentally type “Yeats” instead. Damn poets. I mean I was plenty lazy and all that too, but still.

Third Grade Journal –
October 16, 1991

Today is Oct 16 I’m a good drawer aren’t I1, I drew all of the picture Do you like the pictures one is a picture is a funny gun that has lots of other guns and knifes2 the other picture is of some people trying to get away3

1I am a good drawer, aren’t I?
2This was something I really liked to draw in those days. I was never satisfied with the idea of a gun, I really wanted a gun (which clearly had to be quite large and unwieldy) that had all sorts of secret compartments where other guns, knives (or in this case, knifes), and bombs would come out. Imagine one of those badass cars in a James Bond movie…only a gun instead.
3This was a serious competitor for the honor of busiest page in history.

Third Grade Journal –
October 23, 1991

Here are Here are cool Halloween words Frankenstein4 Dracula wolfman skelaton gillman Toilet Bowl Man (THE Strongest man on earth)!5 Wolferene6 captain American Batman Hulk Hogan78 Andrea the giant Bobby (THE BRAIN) HEENAN Jim (the Anvil) NIEDHEART Knifes and Guns9

4Or, as the drawing would remind you: Franky (the man) Stein. Also: I did actually cross out the first two words of this entry, only to write the same two words again. I...I don't know.
5Toilet Bowl Man is not mentioned at any other point in the journal, and I have no idea why I noted him or why I felt that he was the (I’m sorry, THE) strongest man on Earth. There isn’t even a picture!
6Ignoring Toilet Bowl Man, this is the point when the list starts to turn away from so-called “Halloween words.” I’m surprised, by the way, that I listed Wolverine and Captain America. I was and always have been a DC Comics guy, none of that silly Marvel Universe stuff. Pfft.
7And here’s where the list makes another turn away from the idea of Halloween.
8I was really, really fascinated with Harry Houdini when I was a child. There were two books on him in my elementary school library, and I always had at least one of them checked out at any given time. He is a pretty awesome dude.
9Yeah, like I said, I really liked knives and guns. This was a good impulse to lose.

Fourth Grade ALP Journal –
October 15, 1992
Today I did all my gerful work10

10I’m sure you remember gerfuls. It wasn’t very interesting stuff, but I do remember that I was a week behind the other kids in ALP because I wanted to present all of my gerful stuff together. Then everyone laughed at me when I started my presentation by showing the “first level” gerful stuff that everyone else had already done. Jerks!

Fifth Grade ALP Journal –
October 19, 1993
Today we played the Stock-Market Game. We started Odessey Of The Mind11

11Odyssey of the Mind was one of the best times I had as a kid, and I have very fond memories of it. I competed in the music division, and our challenges was to build instruments that we could play from outside a six-foot square. Our team won our region, but then lost at the district competition to the team who had finished second to use in regionals. If we had won we would have gone to Des Moines for the national Odyssey of the Mind (or as we called it, OM) competition. Sad.

Sixth Grade ALP Journal –
October 17, 1994
Today everything was very fun and stimulating.12

12The “FUN” that begins this entry was written on its own page. I suspect that my ALP teachers were not particularly impressed with this entry, and suggested (not unlike that meanie Mrs Robertson) that I elaborate. They got their wish (if only in terms of word count).

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 17, 1994

13You might notice that this actually coincides with the above ALP entry. This is one of the few times when this happens. I assume there was some kind of scandal involved.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 18, 1994

14I never, ever missed class until fourth grade, when near the end of the school year I had a cancelled flight coming back home from attending my cousin’s wedding and missed my first day of class. After that, I would fake being sick and ask my Mom if I could say home all the time. Kind of a slippery slope.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 19, 1994
Some things I would to do in the next 20 years15 are:
•Graduate college at Boston College or Harvard16.
•Get a good job such as a doctor17.
•Get married to ??18

15When I typed this, I typed “yeats.” Just thought you’d like to know. I also did really use bullet points in this entry. This list is very serious.
16It was a good plan, but it didn’t quite turn out. I did go to Tulane for a while after ruling out Boston College and realizing that I probably couldn’t get into Harvard (and also refusing to be one of those lames who applies to Harvard just so they can receive a rejection letter.
17I’ve got a $600/month job writing and proofreading features for the College of Arts & Sciences at UK, so I’m knocking on the door of that “good job such as a doctor” dream.
Well on our way, buddy, well on our way. Thank the Lord we've still got five years until the twenty year deadline.

October 14, 2009

October 14 - Sixth grade hootenanny

So here’s a roundup of recent entries from the sixth grade journal to make up for my growing laziness. Cross your fingers that this doesn’t turn into The Deuce’s Dose 2.0. Don’t worry, I’m not going to subject you to silly movie reviews, I’m really just talking about the lack of updates.

Sixth Grade Journal – October 11, 1994

1On the top of this page, Mrs Robertson wrote, “Make sure you write ‘absent’ on the dates you are absent.” I don’t remember missing a lot of class in sixth grade, but it might help explain the gap in entries from September 29 to October 11.
2I wrote that I was at ALP here (you can read, right?), but there is no subsequent entry for this date in the sixth grade ALP journal. Mystery abounds!

Sixth Grade Journal – October 11, 1994
I would always play with my friends, because I would have a lot of friends if I were happy.4

Yes, my little sleuths in training, there are two entries for this date. There are a few possibilities to consider. One is that I tried to write ahead on days I figured I would be in ALP so that I wouldn’t have to take time out to slave over a journal writing “A.L.P.” on the actual day. Another is that I went to ALP that day and made it back early enough to finish my journal entry for that day back at my elementary school. A third possibility is that I just messed up the dates. I’m willing to consider other options, though.
4At the end of this entry, Mrs Robertson wrote, “Make sure you write the topic for each day.” This is kind of irritating in retrospect given that the entry ends on what is a pretty sad note. I’m glad my teacher had such rigorous priorities.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 12, 1994
First, if you get caught on fire, stop, drop, cover your face, and roll. When you go to bed, close your door so your room doesn’t catch on fire5. Stay low so you don’t breathe any smoke. Make a6

5It’s just that easy. Closed door = no room catching on fire. More people should know this.
6At the end of this entry, Mrs Robertson wrote, “Good.” Clearly the fact that I couldn’t finish my last sentence is indicative of a deep, personal interest in the topic at hand.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 13, 1994
Today I have a computer class called Advanced Youth Education at 3:30 p.m.7

7As you might imagine, at the end of this entry Mrs Robertson wrote, “I’d like to read more about it.” I was trying to meet her halfway by referring to AYE as “a computer class,” but clearly she didn’t think that was enough. What a freaking tyrant.

Sixth Grade Journal –
October 14, 1994
A bad report card, doing bad on patrol, getting kicked off patrol8, having a messy room, fighting someone, going through my mom’s room9, not getting in my contacts10, taking pop11, stealing things12, or wanting a lot of stuff would make my mom and dad very grouchy.13

8Patrol was apparently more important to me than I remember. Yes, I was one of those goofballs wearing an orange sash who stood on corners crossing students walking to school. It was a thankless job, except for the trip to Washington, DC and everything. Don’t make fun of me.
9Going through my mom’s room? Did I really go through my mom’s room? Moreover, why did I call it my mom’s room when both of my parents slept there?
10Looking back on those days with contact lenses really irritates me. I got glasses when I was six, switched to contacts when I was ten, then back to glasses when I was a senior in high school. Granted, I never really used my contacts responsibly, like maybe I would leave in a pair of contact lenses for two months (instead of two weeks) and never take them out at night. But still, contacts suck.
11I don’t recall taking pop. I used to use the profits from my lucrative pencil-trading business to buy cokes in the faculty lounge, but I remember being allowed one can of coke a day at home. My mom always bought caffeine free Pepsi and even set up a can crushed on the back porch.
12I can admit that I used to have a slight issue with stealing when I was younger. When I was eight or nine I took a small bear figurine from a Hallmark store because my mom wouldn’t buy it for me, and when she found it she made me take it back and apologize to the owner. Clearly that stuck with me.
13At the end of this entry, Mrs Robertson wrote, “Topic?” Take note of the fact that I ended this entry by saying, “would make my mom and dad very grouchy.” I mean, she could at least pretend to read the damn entry when she’s commenting on it.

October 10, 2009

October 10 - More fun stuff and Jay Wonn

As usual, you have no idea how sorry I am that I didn’t update yesterday. You’ll be happy to know that I divided my time between reading a few poems, watching Degrassi (the new season started Friday!), eating chili, and playing poker. I am aware that my priorities are out of order.

Sixth Grade ALP Journal –
October 10, 1994
Today we did a lot of fun stuff1

1Again: clearly so fun that it couldn’t be recorded. Secret fun!
2Each of these “FUN” declarations was written on the top line of a following page. I don’t know if they were actually a part of this entry, and I’m not sure why I would just write “FUN,” turn the page, write “FUN” again, and so on. The complexity is difficult to grasp.

Third Grade Journal – September 9, 1991
Today is Sept 9 Today I might go over to Jay Wonn’s3 or He might come over to my house. Boy, that would really fun. I like Jay Wonn because he is really nice and not bosy4. But sometimes We get into fights5. THE END6.

3Jay was my best friend until I went to middle school. After that, we pretty much turned into polar opposites. Sad.
4Not to diss Jay or anything, but I don’t remember liking him for these reasons. I mean I’m sure he was nice, but not “bosy?” I’m not so sure.
5A complicated relationship, obviously. I remember getting into a fight with him around this time when we were playing Punch-Out (note; I never had Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out, only the version with Mr Dream). I finally defeated Piston Honda, who gave us a ridiculous amount of trouble, and I gave him the controller so that he could fight the next opponent. He got destroyed by Don Flamenco because he couldn’t figure out the “trick” to beating him, and insisted that he should get to go again until he won. I obviously took issue with that, and we starting punching each other.
6This is written in approximately size 400 font.

Eighth Grade Journal – September 3, 1996 (continued)
I Picked Up Luan And We Ran Around The House. “On The Count of 3, Cover Your Eyes. One…. Two….. THREE, MidNight7!” I Yelled. In A Flash Our Enemies Were On The Ground In Pain. “Attack!” Nate Yelled. As I Hit People With Luan He Still Went, “Hulk Smash8!” And It Was Getting Annoying9. Soon They Were All Down. “Were’s The Rest?” Hearne Asked. “Flare!” Miller Said. We Went Around The House To See Flare Slaughtering Some Of Those Guys10. “Cool.” Hearne Said. “Ready To Go?” Hearne Said. Blaze Flew Up Into The Air. We Flew And Saw Another Hut. Kelleman Stepped Out. “Burn It, Flare!” Miller Said11. “Cool!” Hearne Said12. A Fireball Exploded The Hut As They Jumped Out.

7Oh, I’m sure you haven’t forgotten about this mess.
8Naturally. I mean, why wouldn’t he?
9Ah yes, annoying. I was starting to think that Annoyance wouldn’t have anything annoying in it. Wait, what the hell am I talking about?
10A nice image. Young Guy, you are an artist and a craftsman.
11Such a great reaction, and one that also speaks to some clear neurosis I had (ideally) in younger days. I never saw anything like Annoyance when I was a substitute teacher in Lexington, but it’s hard for me to imagine responding positively to a story where a kid reacts to seeing his friend walk outside by instructing a dragon to burn the house down. Awesome.
12And Miller wasn’t the only one excited about it.

October 8, 2009

October 8 - Doing things, listing jobs, the usual

So I’ve decided to bring us back to a more traditional update. I hope you enjoy these updates. I’ll try to keep things spicy. Hurray, I guess.

Fourth Grade ALP Journal –
October 8, 1992
Today I got an A+ on a computer paper1. We did alot of stuff2.

1I don’t even know what a computer paper is.
2Again, I love the trend where I just state that I did cool things and don’t bother to describe, well, any of things I actually did that were supposedly so cool. Well done.

Sixth Grade Journal – September 6, 1994
Jobs serving others: Doctor, dentist3, lawyer4, banker5 or nurse.
Industrial Jobs: Armco, Kentucky Power, AK Steel or Florida Power6.
Trasportation Jobs: Airplane pilot, limo driver or bus driver7.

3Yeah, that’s right dentists, you don’t get capitalized like Doctors. Take that!
4Lawyer? Poor, naïve Guy. So sad.
5This entry is a nightmarish attack on the Oxford comma. It is a brutish assault. Please, look away.
6With one exception, these were all local industries around my hometown. I bet you can’t guess which one is the exception!
7So if you drive something, you’re in. On a sad note: it looks like I was just capitalizing only the first entry in each list instead of taking a shot at dentists. So many lost opportunities.

Eighth Grade Journal – September 3, 1996 (continued)
We Looked Over The House And Saw About 40 Barbarians Running Towards Our House8. “Let’s Go Kick Their Butts!” Hearne Yelled. Flare Hurled A Fireball, Blocking Them From The House. “Shoot It!” One Of Them yelled. Then An Arrow Flew Into Flare’s Stomach9. She Flipped Over And We All Started To Fall. “AAAHH!!” Luan Screamed As He Morphed Into Knightbringer10. “I”ve Got It. SeungLong11 Fingorium Tansem!” I Said. We Screeched To A Stop12 In MidAir. “Cool.” Miller Said13. We Slowly Lowered To The Ground.

8It clearly wasn’t enough for me to pit my “good” friends against a legion of my “evil” friends, I also had to include scores of random barbarians or psychos. I’m sure you’ve noticed.
9A pretty good shot, I’d say. Pretty strong reaction time as well. We might have met our match against this group of forty randoms.
10I’m sure you haven’t forgotten this little gem.
11This sounds a little Asian, and thus out of place. Korean, I’d say.
12Screeched to a stop? Who ever heard of that?
13An appropriate reaction, I feel. As I’ve said before, clearly I had really smart, observant friends.