Today is
1 – In retrospect, it is kind of disappointing that the great “player of the day” entries begin with Minute Bol. It does get better. No really.
2 – I suppose that is true.
3 – No, no I didn’t. I didn’t realize he was a basketball at all.
4 – This information is beginning to seem unreliable. In my defense, I felt this way because of some NBA blooper-type VHS tapes my family had, a few of which featured Minute Bol inexplicably shooting and making three-pointers. That was enough to convince me that he was a lights-out shooter.
5 – He may be just plain “owesom,” because he sure isn’t awesome.
Third Grade Journal – January 8, 19926
Today’s player of the day is Scottie Pippien7. Number 33 for the
6 – I’m sort of fudging the date here a bit because this one isn’t labeled. I hope that someday you’ll be able to forgive me.
7 – The extra “i” in his last makes him sounds like a character from an Elizabethan drama. Just saying.
8 – This feeling is also due to the previously mentioned NBA videotapes. One was titled something like “Best Dunkers” and showed highlights from past dunk contests, one of which Scottie Pippen won. Since it showed him dunking from the foul line, something that amazed me, I guess that made him the second-best dunker since
9 – Yes, I believe we’ve established this. If you have a magnifying glass, however, you will note that I clearly labeled “Nike Air” on both his shoes.
10 – Not a typo.
Third Grade Journal –
Today’s player of the day is Charles Barkely12. He plays for the Philedalphia 76ers. He can block and steal very well13. He is a very good at slam dunking. He pretty tall. about “68.”14
11 – I’ve also fudged the date here a bit. Nothing like a good old-fashioned guessing game about journal entries from eighteen years ago.
12 – Of all the drawings, this one has to be the worst. You can judge for yourself, but I’ve made the poor guy look like some kind of troll. He looks like a monster from a Guillermo del Toro movie. I know you’re not the handsomest guy to begin with, Charles, but I apologize.
13 – I know that I had quite a basketball card collection back in those days, so I suspect that I just looked at his numbers for that season and decided that he was doing enough to be considered very good in both those categories. He did average 1.81 steals per game that season, but only .59 blocks. This was below his .83 career average.
14 – Clearly I didn’t understand the whole feet/inches demarcation using apostrophes.
Third Grade Journal –
Today’s player of the day is Patrick Ewing15. He is pretty tall, about 7 foot 1 inch. He plays for the
n16 New York Knicks. He wears Nike airs in Cross trainigkind.17 He is taller than Micheal Jordan.18 He is 3rd place in slam dunking a basketball.19
15 – No, never Patrick Ewing.
16 – This is something I still do to this day that I can’t really explain. Even if I write in pencil I feel inclined to cross out a mistake rather than erase it.
17 – Oh really? Because you’ve clearly labeled his shoes as “Airs.” How do you explain that? Busted!
18 – He certainly is. This sentence also notes something that I have always felt, and that is that the name “Michael” looks as if it’s spelled incorrectly. I probably didn’t learn to write “Michael” instead of “Micheal” until I was in middle school. Seriously, even if your name is Michael, tell me that you’ve never had doubts about the spelling.
19 – He most certainly is not, and never was. Maybe he’d win third place at his family reunion dunk contest, but that’s about it.
Third Grade Journal –
If I was princable I would take the kids to McDonald’s20 every day except the bad kids. I would let the good kids have 5 days off.21 They would have recess for a hour.22 I would let the good kids go anywhere they wanted to recess, gym, lunch and music and computer. I would let them do whatever they want to do. I would let them have 17 summer vacations.23 I would invite Micheal Jordan, Patrick Ewing, Charles Barkely, Scotty Pippien, Kirby Puckett, Eric Davis, Chris Sabo, Barry Larkin,24 Chili Davis, Jose Canseco25, Kevin Mitchell, Darryl Strawberry, and make Adam sit in the garbage can all day.26
20 – It’s kind of sad that with all the typos made in this journal, McDonald’s is spelled correctly, with the lower-case c, upper-case D, and apostrophe.
21 – Like each week? So they’d never have to come? That’s pretty good.
22 – Wait, I thought they had five days off. Is this in case they decide to come even though they don’t have to? I’m a bit confused. But I like it, so keep going.
23 – That is a lot. The idea of seventeen summers in a row sounds like a nightmare now, but I was playing baseball in those days, so it was all good.
24 – Ah, the delusion of a young
25 – Yes, so that he could namedrop me as a steroid coconspirator at some point. You promised you would never tell.
26 – Best I can remember, Adam was Adam Lett, a super-hyper, super-annoying kid who just engaged in stupid antics all day in class, much to Mrs Wheeler’s dismay. He had a cute older sister, however, which is probably why none of us ever beat him up. My priorities back then were really good.
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