Sixth Grade Journal – May 16, 1995
Verity is very big, very neat1, and very challenging. I should already know, I go every Monday2. My expectations are high, I want to be in 8th grade Algebra3, but if I don’t make it, I’ll take Pre-Algebra4.
1 – Verity wasn’t the easiest, but I’m not so sure about it being so neat. Or maybe I meant that Verity was cool (you know, like “That place seems neat!”). No one knows for sure.
2 – How great is the tone in this sentence? I mean really, what’s better than this?
3 – Those are some high expectations, buddy. Algebra? As a seventh-grader? Dream big!
4 – I did end up taking pre-algebra, but I love the idea that I would willingly take the class as if I had any sort of choice. I remember taking the placement test to get into algebra at Verity and hearing that I missed the cut by one point. This, however, is one of those things that I remember remembering (if you follow me), thus making me doubt whether or not it actually happened. Intrigue!
Sixth Grade Journal – May 17, 1995
Some government words are:
1) bill 2) right 3) tariff5 4) yah6 5) nay 6) house of representitives7 7) congress 8) executive 9) judical8 10) president 11) vice president9 12) judge
5 – Tariff? This was written at the end of the twentieth century. Who talks about tariffs?
6 – That is, yay.
7 – That is, House of Representatives. There’s an “a” in that word, self.
8 – That is, judicial. That’s an “a” in that word, self. Interesting pattern here.
9 – Don’t worry about capitalizing any of those terms. It’s not like you’re describing the leaders of the free world or anything. No respect!
Sixth Grade Journal – May 18, 1995
Today in school we’re going to Wildwood Park10 for 4-H day camp11. We didn’t go because there was a storm12.
10 – I was going to say that Wildwood Park was a pretty awesome place, but as much as I try I can’t really remember it. I was initially confusing it with Armco Park (which is awesome, if only for its proximity to Crisp’s), but then I looked it up and found that it’s actually off of 29th Street in Ashland. Hell, right now I’m not even sure I could find the place.
11 – Thankfully, I am certain that I remember 4-H camp being awesome. In particular I recall learning to make ice cream by filling a bucket with ice and salt, then filling a smaller bucket/jar with milk, sugar, and vanilla, placing the smaller bucket inside the larger one, and rolling the whole thing along the ground. It was badass.
12 – This sentence is confusing for a few reasons. First, it’s written in the same handwriting and looks almost exactly the same throughout, so it doesn’t appear that I wrote the latter half after finding out that we weren’t going. Second, it’s also possible that I meant to say that we didn’t go before (meaning that the trip was originally scheduled for an earlier date) because there was a storm. Third, it is possible that we never went to Wildwood Park at all. Of course, if we never went that would explain why I don’t remember where Wildwood Park is.
Sixth Grade Journal – May 19, 1995
My favorite memory was last year when I made the “Spring Sing Singers” solo group13.
Guy Spriggs14
13 – Clearly not that great of a memory, because I don’t ever remember the Spring Sing Singers or being a part of any solo group until I was in middle school. Also: music can be very cool.
14 – I’m not sure why, but this entry had a box around it as I was planning to cut it out and hand it to someone as a card. That might explain why I signed the bottom of the page, but it wouldn’t explain why I wrote “name” above my name.
I remember Wildwood Park and will gladly take you there next time we're both in Ashland.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a plan. We should go to Crisp's as well. That's all I could think about after I wrote that entry.
ReplyDeleteYes, I remember Wildwood Park. 4-H camp was only there one year. But I remember King's Daughter's had a picnic there every year as well, actually Josh Hearne and I got third place singing 'Hero' at a karaoke competition! ha! Third place? What a joke... we were definitely the best.
ReplyDeleteI also remember the spring sing. All the grade schools did it together and performed in the Blazr gym! The fifth grade year the theme was 'trains'. And I played a hobo. And the sixth grade year the theme was a Cruise trip (Lauren Buskey played the entertainment director). The solo song I think was called 'Water Come a me eye'. It was also a big deal for me to make the solo group. Jogging your memory??
Sadly, Jessica, I don't seem to remember any of that. Clearly my memory isn't all that great.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it was a big deal for me to make the solo group, but I can't imagine why I wouldn't remember it. I seem to remember the Cruise Ship thing you're talking about, but only vaguely. What's strange, however, is that I have distinct memories of being in this youth choir at Marshall when we were in middle school, and I was only a part of it for three or four months before I had to quit. I have no idea why I would remember that but not the "Spring Sing Singers."